내가 만난 오류는
Xocde 15를 사용했으며, Storyboard가 포함되어 있는 상태의 프로젝트 아카이브 후 앱스토어로 올리려고 할 때 발생되었다.
Invalid bundle. Because your app supports Multitasking on iPad, you need to include the LaunchScreen.storyboard launch storyboard file in your XXXX bundle. Use UILaunchScreen instead if the app’s MinimumOSVersion is 14 or higher and you prefer to configure the launch screen without storyboards. For details, see: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/information_property_list/uilaunchstoryboardname
UILaunchStoryboardName | Apple Developer Documentation
The filename of the storyboard from which to generate the app’s launch image.
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